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No Glitter Blown

Honest reviews of things that caught my fancy, or not.

Currently reading

Art in Theory 1900 - 2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas
Paul Wood, Charles Harrison
Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan
Gary P. Leupp
Daughter Am I
Pat Bertram
Sharon Kay Penman
Silver Bullet (Falls Chance Ranch #4)
Ranger, Rolf

Everything East of the Sumida River by Kaneyoshi Shikaku and Heiko Shihenkei

Everything East of the Sumida River - Kaneyoshi Shikaku, Heiko Shihenkei

Sensual story with subtly and intrigue. A slow, slow burn. 

I appreciate the terse brevity of concise language, but then there is decadence where one rolls around in language like a fragrant field of flowers and grass. Breathing deep, reveling and absorbing it. This story is the second:

"His heart was crumbling like a piece of paper inside of his body, ready to tear itself from the guilt.

I don't speak Japanese, but I have studied a bit of art and history and I've visited several times. There are all sorts of lingual references, geographical notations about cities and subway lines, etc. that it is easy to either feel overwhelmed or fall into as an armchair traveler. I smiled about the Yamanote line in particular because I've accidentally ridden that one in circles, and I could see how doing so to clear the mind and never get to far away would be a perfect use of quiet time. And still, I feel like I missed some of the understated notes in this story. The references especially, I know the importance of season and how one quietly states it without explicitly doing so. There were a few times when things we said in passing describing something that definitely had more information then I got from it. None of these were critical plot elements, but felt like I was missing some of the symbolism. Still, it was beautiful. 

Takamatsu, the yakuza businessman is controlling, savvy, and completely lost with what to do with Naoya. He wants to possess, but how does one hold on tight without crushing?

Koji. What can I do to distract the boy?”
The succinct reply came within seconds.
“Give him the Internet.”

Naoya personifies the gender fluid youth of Edo. His beauty and training definitely harken back and instill a nostalgic feeling.

If you could condense all the kittenish sweetness and naughtiness of the boy into a flavor, this would be it. Heavenly vanilla whipped with caramel and laced with tart crushed raspberries.

Or perhaps

"I am a feast that your eyes can never entirely devour.”

I don't have a background of yaoi literature with which to compare this, but I enjoyed it. A lot. There is an element of feeling unfinished, or rather more to come in the future as certain bits are not completely resolved. There are things about Naoya that are left undone. Overall, it is fascinating journey to take that is written lyrically; just enjoy the scenery and beauty.

Favorite quote:

You are only one thing.” Takamatsu paused for emphasis. “Mine.”

~~A copy was provided to me for a No Glitter Blown review~~
~~~Reviewed for Hearts On Fire Reviews~~~