LA based murder mystery with some kink? Why, yes…I"ll take that.
Perfect timing for this read. I was so in the mood for this story and gobbled it right up. It had a nice mix of nostalgia, mystery and this coming to accept the changes of time. So, emotional and a bit sad at times, but the kind that makes you realize that it all still goes on. Some things get lost and new ones found.
The murder mystery was an interesting premise and the everything up until the reveal was quite good. A little weak at the end, but I enjoyed the story more than the mystery. I especially thought Jay's intervention with Roger and Sean was brilliant and made me want to smile and cry simultaneously.
Roger and Sean. Hot and sweet and mercy that is some fine fun unfolding. Roger's got issues and Sean's got some, too. The intersection of them and the resolution--very nice.
Favorite passage:
Sean’s voice was defensive, and Roger felt, once again, challenged, as if Sean were throwing a dozen Scrabble tiles at him and daring him to read the secret word.