Unexpected. If there's one thing I've come to expect from Merikan is that wherever you think you're going, you're not. All of the stories have these bizarre twists that have you spinning around going, "Wait...weren't we?"
Crunch, boy do I love any guard with a moniker like that, is a hoot. Not going to say much because I really feel that experiencing this story without to much foreknowledge is a plus. Victor, well he has some skills and enough panache to pull you along. And Honeyhill, it's unique with some old-fashion attractions:
That Jacob man only spent a month here, and already looked rugged, his manly charms gone like the knocked out teeth.
For a zombie apocalypse you get your assorted gore and whatnot, but I have to say that the special surprise regarding that is...well, creepy and more than a little gross. Add in some topsy-turvy dynamics and enough violence to get you into the proper dystopian spirit and voila! One sweet, disgusting and always just one step ahead of you tale of love in the most unusual of places. Trust me; it's unusual.
Recommended for zombie aficionados and bee lovers
Favorite quote:
Crunch knew that look all too well. Was this whole fucking army full of eager boy arses?
~~A copy was provided to me for a No Glitter Blown review~~
~~~Reviewed for Hearts On Fire Reviews~~~