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No Glitter Blown

Honest reviews of things that caught my fancy, or not.

Currently reading

Art in Theory 1900 - 2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas
Paul Wood, Charles Harrison
Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan
Gary P. Leupp
Daughter Am I
Pat Bertram
Sharon Kay Penman
Silver Bullet (Falls Chance Ranch #4)
Ranger, Rolf
Under Orders - Doris O'Connor 2.5 starsOkay...totally expected something else. It starts off as a depraved little taboo office tale and then wham! Hello, paranormal. But the mixed signals are making me wonder--what they heck is Jonathan? Were or vamp? With the strange mix up of growly possessiveness and mental acuities is he were or vamp?Needless to say that was unsettling, and until it was explicitly stated I was considering a hybrid, which is correct to an extent, but doesn't explain Jon's behavior. Anyway, the naughty work scenes were far more successful in their kinkiness and I was enjoying the story prior to the paranormal diversion and the whole story spun around that. Not only was there this shift in the emphasis, but it was trying to cover too much time in too short a story with a big info dump. Add in some editing errors to the timeline jumping, which I generally don't like and this started off strong and ended with a whimper. Recommended for non-purist vamp lovers who like a taste of office power playing.Favorite quote:“This one is indeed the sweetest one yet. Clever and tasty. You chose well, Leonard.” ~~ A copy was provided to me for a No Glitter Blown review~~Reviewed for Hearts On Fire Reviews