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No Glitter Blown

Honest reviews of things that caught my fancy, or not.

Currently reading

Art in Theory 1900 - 2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas
Paul Wood, Charles Harrison
Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan
Gary P. Leupp
Daughter Am I
Pat Bertram
Sharon Kay Penman
Silver Bullet (Falls Chance Ranch #4)
Ranger, Rolf

The Truth about Lord Stoneville (Hellions of Halstead Hall Series #1)

The Truth About Lord Stoneville - Sabrina Jeffries Though the first in a series, it is the third I've read. Frankly, I'm glad I did. This trend of series with heavily overlapped plots is often dissatisfying as at least one point of conflict is never resolved. So, having read a few made the ending and epilogue less cumbersome. Enough of that, the story itself is entertaining and both the hero and heroine are well-developed and interesting.Lord Stoneville's family is endearing and annoying. They feel real and not contrived, not stereotypes/archetypes. The heroine's situation is equally complicated, and though I find her a bit soft-hearted for my tastes she's believable and loveable.There is a good deal of history regarding various industries in this series and I find it one of its strong points. The second, in the series or Jarret's seems to have the most information which is logical when you understand the storyline. Overall, entertaining reading.