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No Glitter Blown

Honest reviews of things that caught my fancy, or not.

Currently reading

Art in Theory 1900 - 2000: An Anthology of Changing Ideas
Paul Wood, Charles Harrison
Male Colors: The Construction of Homosexuality in Tokugawa Japan
Gary P. Leupp
Daughter Am I
Pat Bertram
Sharon Kay Penman
Silver Bullet (Falls Chance Ranch #4)
Ranger, Rolf

Falling Away

Falling Away - Lisa Henry Emotional detonation in 3...2...1...This is quick and sharp. Be thankful for the quick, means less time dealing with the raw pain. Nicely done characters and definitely enough story to make something longer if Henry has the inclination. Favorite passage:Every time that Ben shattered him, Jason wondered if he’d managed to pick up all the pieces again. Every time, he felt like maybe he’d missed one or two. That sooner or later he wouldn’t have enough to put himself back together again.